Recipe: Tasty 153. Mashed Potato Cheese

153. Mashed Potato Cheese.

153. Mashed Potato Cheese You can have 153. Mashed Potato Cheese using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of 153. Mashed Potato Cheese

  1. Prepare 3 buah of kentang ukuran sedang.
  2. Prepare 100 ml of susu cair UHT plain.
  3. Prepare 1/3 blok of keju cheddar parut.
  4. Prepare 1 sdm of unsalted butter.
  5. You need 1/2 sdm of margarin.
  6. Prepare 1/2 sdt of lada bubuk.
  7. Prepare of Garam.
  8. It's of Parsley (saya pakai oregano).

153. Mashed Potato Cheese step by step

  1. Kupas kentang, potong dadu lalu kukus hingga empuk..
  2. Setelah empuk, tumbuk/hancurkan kentang hingga benar-benar halus..
  3. Panaskan margarin, lalu masukkan kentang, aduk-aduk..
  4. Tuang susu sambil terus diaduk. Campurkan butter, beri parutan keju. Masak hingga semua bahan menyatu..
  5. Tambahkan merica dan parsley cincang (atau bubuk parsley). Cicipi, jika kurang gurih bisa tambahkan garam. Aduk rata lalu angkat..
  6. Sajikan mashed potato dengan sosis atau ayam panggang dan saos sambal..

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